Fire Ant Control
Fire ants are aggressive, highly adaptive and well-equipped for survival.
Under the Biosecurity Act 2014, everyone—including individuals and organisations—has a general biosecurity obligation (GBO) to take all reasonable steps to prevent the spread of fire ants.
Queenslanders are legally required to report suspected sightings of fire ants within 24 hours of their discovery, and depending on the nests location take action to treat the pest. If you do not do this, penalties may apply.
The National Fire Ant Eradication Program aims to find, contain and destroy fire ants in South East Queensland. The 10-year Eradication Plan involves an intensive and targeted eradication effort over South East Queensland, spanning from Lockyer Valley in the west to Redlands in the east, north to Moreton Bay and south to the Gold Coast.
How to identify fire ants?
Fire ants can be identified by a few distinguishing features.
They are:
copper brown in colour with a darker abdomen
quite small at 2 – 6 mm
found in a variety of sizes within the one nest.
When checking suspicious ant nests gently poke the nest with a long stick and observe the ants that come out.
Be careful not to get too close, as fire ants are aggressive. They swarm when disturbed and have a painful sting.
For help with identifying fire ants, see the DAF fire ant identification video and fire ant photo gallery below.
You can also view some ant species that are often mistaken for fire ants.
Looking for fire ant nests?
Fire ant nests can appear as dome-shaped mounds or be flat and look like a small patch of disturbed soil.
All nests have no obvious entry or exit holes.
The shape and size of the nest depends on soil type and ant colony size.
The ants enter and leave the mound via underground tunnels which radiate outwards from the nest. These tunnels can be up to 30m long.
Internally, nests consist of many interconnecting galleries, which have a honeycomb appearance.
If a nest is disturbed, the workers may very quickly move the queen and the brood (eggs, larvae and pupae) to a new location.
Fire ant nests are often found in open areas such as lawns and pastures and along roadsides and unused cropland. They can also be found next to or under other objects on the ground, such as timber, logs, rocks, pavers or bricks.
Fire Ant bites!
Fire ants have a painful sting and leave a burning or itching sensation on the skin that can last up to an hour.
Encounters with fire ants can involve tens or hundreds of ants; they tend to swarm and all sting at once repeatedly. The pain of a fire ant sting can last up to an hour.
A severe reaction may occur if a sting victim has a history of allergic reactions to insects or experiences the following symptoms:
rapid onset of flushing
general hives
swelling of the face, eyes or throat
chest pains
severe sweating
breathing difficulties
Unlike other insect stings, fire ant venom builds up in the body. This means the more you, your pet or an animal is stung the greater the risk of an extreme reaction.
After a few hours (or even a day or two), small blisters or pustules may form at sting sites. These may become itchy and can take up to 10 days to heal.
Fire Ant First Aid!
***Always consult your GP or local Hospital for any serious symptoms and treatment advice.***
Most people do not need medical treatment for fire ant stings.
If breathing is normal and the sting victim does not have a history of insect allergies, the following home treatments can be effective:
Apply a cold compress to relieve the swelling and pain.
Gently wash the affected area with soap and water.
Take an antihistamine to manage minor, localised reactions and itching.
It is important to keep the blister intact.
There is a risk of secondary infection if the blisters or pustules break.
How do you get rid of ants in your house?
While there are steps you can follow to minimize an fire ant infestation, sometimes you need to get the assistance of a professional pest control technician.
To arrange an fire ant control service, contact us today to make a booking.